When it comes to average person, defining a heart surgery is based on its name. They use the same term to describe it however, when talking about the medical field; it means that undergoing a procedure, which purpose is to replace clogs in the coronary arteries along with the veins acquired from the lower extremities of the patient. The main purpose of this procedure actually involves the patient to be placed on a machine that is capable of heart bypass. The surgeon will perform non-beating resting to the heart of its patient after that.
On the other hand, when this operation will be done to a child, doctors have to be more careful because one single mistake can lead to life and death situation. This is the primary reason why only the Charlotte pediatric heart surgery doctors have to perform the operation in the event that a child requires heart operation.
The medical field has formed various types of heart surgeries to be able to differentiate the heart conditions of a patient. Below is a list of the possible operation that a person may go through.
CABG - it actually stands for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, which is considered to be the most frequent heart operation being performed these days. With this type of operation, fatty materials or called as Plaque in the medical field accumulate inside the coronary artery of the patient. When this keeps on accumulating, it will tend to block the arteries and lessen the blood flow in the muscles of heart. What the surgeon will do is to take out a vein or artery from the chest, leg or any body part of its patient. The doctor will then connect or graft them on the artery that is blocked. The blocked artery will be bypassed through this process.
TLR - also known as Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization is a type of heart surgery done to deal with angina. This is only used when all other heart surgery treatment fails. Through this heart operation, the doctor will use laser technology to create channels on the muscles of the heart. With these channels, it is going to allow the blood to directly flow from the heart to the chambers then straight to its muscle.
Heart Transplant - this means, replacing a person's heart, which is bit obvious from its name. Among the numerous types of heart surgeries, this could be the most difficult as patients would have to find a donor with regards to this issue. This operation will only be carried out when a patient's heart is weak in pumping up blood to meet the numerous requirements of our body.
On the other hand, be mindful that some of these heart operations might be done to average individuals after being assessed by a doctor; this situation will still be different when a kid is involved. Quite often, the professional assistance of Charlotte pediatric heart surgery will be needed.
Learn About The Author: Anthony Lashier is industry magazine contributor and accomplished blogger. He enjoys brainstorming new ideas, contributing to publications, and practicing yoga. Get more details about this article's subject: http://www.pedsurgical.com You can find more of his writing on the author's site.