Monday, October 14, 2013

No side effects from low level lasers

More than 200 randomized controlled clinical trials have been performed on low level lasers.  Dr. Roberta Chow and accident injury doctor at the Nerve Research Foundation of the Brain and Mind Research Institute at the University of Sydney performed a meta-analysis study on neck pain, which was published in The Lancet. The team studied 16 trials involving a total of 820 participating patients. Patients with acute neck pain were 70 percent more likely to experience pain relief from LLLT than placebo, while chronic neck pain sufferers were four times more likely to experience a reduction in pain from LLLT. The level of pain relief was found to be about 20 points on a scale from 1 to 100, with relief in seven of the studies lasting into the medium-term. Patients reported very mild, if any, side effects, which was comparable to the experience reported by participants in the placebo group.